of the highlights of my latest escapades!
Tina & Nik’s Wedding
We’d all been looking forward to this day for so long and I couldn’t wait for the wedding to begin. Tina
was very calm on the day and she looked so beautiful! I loved my dress and Nik said I was a fantastic
bridesmaid because I was so helpful and patient. I loved that the bridesmaids got to walk into the
Reception to the music from ‘The Fast and the Furious’ and I had some pretty impressive moves on the
dance floor when the Serbian music started. I also made an exceptional speech at the Reception where
I spoke about how much I love Nik and Tina and I wished them lots of happiness for the future. I think
they’re both enjoying being Mr and Mrs Jankovic.
In the September holidays I was lucky enough to be asked by Florence Teillet, my TAFE teacher and director of The Death Factor, to attend a two day drama workshop in Maryborough. Not only did I get to participate in the games, but I also was paid to work as a Drama Assistant. My job was to make sure the games were running smoothly and help to organise the participants. My favourite game was called "Touch the Colour". You had to dance to the music and when it stopped touch something of the colour called out but NOT on the person next to you. I can't wait for another opportunity like this one.

Baden Powell Award
On Sunday 9th November I attended a ceremony to receive the Baden Powell Award for Girl Guides. The Baden Powell award is all about challenging myself to do my best, setting goals and achieving them. To achieve the award I had to earn a Silver Endeavor Badge and show a PowerPoint presentation about my travels to New Caledonia. It was a bit of a challenge but I got there in the end with Mum’s help. I’m the only one in my group who has it which is a wonderful achievement.
For Halloween this year I was part of the SCCITR Project “The Death Factor”. We performed to a full house and there were fortune tellers, Bridezillas as well as many other acts. No doubt many of you have seen the photos of us all in costume and I hope they weren’t too scary for you. I was Maleficient, just like Angelina Jolie’s character, and I looked pretty amazing thanks to the skills of Makeup Artist Kathy Walker. A highlight of the day was performing our own version of ‘We Will Rock You’ entitled ‘We Will Chop You’ with The Outsiders. To sum up the experience in a word I would say it was AWESOME and I can’t wait for Death Factor 2015. I’m thinking a pirate theme would work well. This is the Facebook page for our band https://www.facebook.com/TheOutsiders909

I loved playing Malificent in our Theatre Restaurant Production and had a great time at an event that we were able to volunteer at - Aussie World. It was a fantastic experience for the twelve of us to go and be part of the team of street performers. We were also very proud to have our Troupe become one of the members of the Sunshine Coast Theatre Alliance and are looking forward to being involved with them next year.

Our next TAFE Production for this Semester was “The Mystery Cruise”. I played one of the Curry Girls dancers and we were sort of like the Pussycat Dolls. Our performance were on Friday 28th November at Nambour Special School and Friday 5th December at Nambour TAFE. The Special School performance is important because we perform for the younger children and we hope that they will follow in our footsteps one day and perform as we do. The performance at the TAFE is a also a special one as our family and friends come and share in our achievements for the Semester. We put in a lot of work this year and Florence worked hard with us.
Mum’s Trip
So my incredible Mum has been on a trip to Prague for her work and her stay in Paris on the way home. I was lucky enough to stay with Aunty Mary and Uncle Geoff. I had a great time although I missed my Mum a bit…okay a lot! I spoke to her heaps and saw lots of photos, she even sent me one of a Maleficent Poster she saw in Czech! Here I am showing her my best moves.